Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reality Sinking In

So I received a mass email about the work duties for the Fiorucci /Cycor Time Trial last night and what a wake up call. I knew that it was less than a month away but seeing in writing that were rounding up the troops assigning work just really made me realize that it's just around the corner and that there is not much time left to get ready. I was able to get out and ride the TT bike and log about 30 miles to get used to the bike and made a few adjustments to the bike and riding position that really seemed to help. Guess I'll find out where I'm out in less than a week and a half at the first PLT TT.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Slack Co-workers

Well between one co-worker not wanting to come to work at all and another with a poorly timed day off I'm missing out on a hella nice day. I left the house this morning with my TT bike going to work thinking that I'm gonna get in some good spin intervals tonite but now it appears that I'm stuck working till 7 and gonna me glued to the trainer when I get home. Man I can't stand to ride the trainer..........

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday Night Smackdown

Whew!!!! I'm a beat puppy, gotta love riding with a group that you're not familiar with. After getting frustrated and a little uneasy with the constant yo yo effect going on in the pace line I went off to the front and worked a tad bit too hard so when we started hitting the hills and the pace picked up SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!!!! I was toast and to add insult to injury I had my mad bombing speed down the hill on Winston wasted when I had to made an abrupt and painful lane change on the uphill to keep from killing the guy that had his chain spinning in between gears. The rest stop at the church was a welcome site and was able to ride up front again until the front half took off on ashland rd, man I really wanted to get on their wheels but I just couldn't do it. I got a good four bike line going pretty fast down cedar but when I hit the turn onto old Washington and pushed on I dropped them, not my intention but I'm good at that turn and that slight downhill there. After there my team mate Steven was back and took a nice easy spin back to the parking lot. Pretty fun ride overall, just hope that the sudden slowing in the pack is not a normal thing, that kind of stuff puts people down or in the ditch.... It's nice to be doing big group rides again, it's been WAY too long.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

No Power Blues

I did my tt bike ride last night and am a little discouraged. Granted I'm tired from racing on Sunday and Tuesday but I just don't seem to be able to put the same power down on the tt bike as I can on the road bike. I don't know if that's normal for a tt bike or if my body just doesn't like the position or just not used to it, I'll have to start putting in more hours on it to find out i guess but times running out to be ready for the PLT race 1. At least the bike doesn't scare the hell out of me anymore and the wind isn't as big a bother as it once was to me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday Night Bryan Park Crits

After taking about 3 years off I returned to the Bryan Park Crits, I had every intention of starting up front just behind Shawn Deal and next to Greg Gammon so as to keep my friends close. Well that plan went down the toilet pretty fast, either nerves, excitement or just being sloppy but I had a hard time getting into my pedal and when I thought I had got it locked in, it let go on me. So....... I'm now 3rd or 4th to last but at least I'm on a wheel and cruising around with the field creeping up to a 23 avg thinking about how rough the course has gotten out there and how some of the yuppy people that live near-by love to walk their dogs and have no problem walking in front of a mob pushing near 30 at times. I was so upset, a dog that was too close to the action cause me to check up losing the pack that I had been killing myself to keep up with but after 2 laps of riding alone Matt Marchall told me to just sit up and get back on, so I did. I was able to stay with the group and even get by a few people on the last lap. Not a bad night considering that 3 years ago I told myself that I would never race there again.... Who knew I would end up liking the place again..

Monday, May 19, 2008

Getting ready for the heart of tt season

Well with 3 weeks to go until the first PLT TT and 5 weeks for the Fiorucci State TT I need to get my butt in gear and start training. I've only done one 20k race this year and a hand full of 40k training rides and I'm just not there yet for speed. I ended up with a disapponting 35 minute time in the Conquer the Canal 20ish k in April and I've been getting in the 1:15 range for my 40k's out at West Creek. For the first time every I'm gonna be working with a coach and have a plan laid out to be ready to go for the state time trial, so I'm excited hoping I can getting really close to the hour mark for the 40k and get out of the slump of being in the 20mph avg range that I'm in. If I get 23avg I'll be bouncing off of the walls with joy and gonna hit my favortie mexican joint that I've had to give up in the name of weight loss.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My first cat 4 race

So today was my first race as a cat 4 and what a tough race it was. I expected them to take off from the start and then back off a little but I couldn't hang on long enough for the surge to slow down. Once that tiny gap opened up the head wind on the back straight just ripped me off the back of the pack. I'm happy that I did hang on for 8 laps or so (I think) before it happened. I was able to rejoin the pack as they lapped me a few times and others I completly missed the train and had to wait until they came back around again. With 4-5 laps to go I hear the head ref say "I'm sorry I gotta do it but I need you to pull off, the pack is too big" arg, at first I was upset then one lap after that there was a hard wreck in turn 3 so I was gratefull that I wasn't out there, I might not have missed it. I was sorry to see the plug get pulled on the race before the womans race went off, I was looking forward to seeing our girls taking care of bussiness out there, what a strong bunch.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Progress at last

So the trip to the trainer went ok, I went from 245 pounds to 214 and my body fat dropped from 30% to 21%......... Taking a long time but at least I'm finally starting to see some good progress, going to go back in two months to see if I can get under 200 and mid to low teens for my bf.......

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Moment of truth

So, I've been trying my hardest to loose weight over the past year after gaining 40+ pounds and I have made progress, I've lost about 25 so far but today I go in to have my measurements checked again and have my body fat % checked again. Last time it was a very bad 30%bf so I'm dying to find out how much lower that is and how many inches I've lost........